Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Salwani Abdullah (2006) University Timetabling

Abdullah, S., Ahmadi, S., Burke, E.K. and Dror, M., Investigating Ahuja-Orlin's Large Neighbourhood Search Approach for Examination Timetabling. Accepted for publication in OR Spectrum, 2006. [pdf]

Abdullah, S., Ahmadi S., Burke, E.K., Dror, M. and McCollum, B., A Tabu based Large Neighbourhood Search Methodology for the Capacitated Examination Timetabling Problem. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Operational Research Society, 2006. [pdf]

Abdullah, S. and Burke, E.K., A Multi-start Large Neighbourhood Search Approach with Local Search Methods for Examination Timetabling., In: The International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2006),Editors: Derek Long, Stephen F. Smith, Daniel Borrajo and Lee McCluskey. Cumbria, UK, 6-10 June 2006, pp 334-337. [pdf]

Abdullah, S., Burke, E. K. and McCollum, B., An Investigation of Variable Neighbourhood Search for University Course Timetabling, in Proceedings of MISTA 2005: The 2nd Multidisciplinary Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, pp. 413-427, NY, USA, 18-21 July, 2005. [pdf]

Abdullah, S., Burke, E. K. and McCollum, B., Using a Randomised Iterative Improvement Algorithm with Composite Neigjhbourhood Structures for University Course Timetabling, in Proceedings of MIC 05: The 6th Meta-heuristic International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 22-26 Aug 2005. [pdf]

Abdullah, S., Ahmadi, S., Burke, E.K. and Dror, M., Applying Ahuja-Orlin's Large Neighbourhood for Constructing Examination Timetabling Solution , in the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT), pp 413-419, Pittsburgh, PA, August 18-20, 2004. [pdf]

S. Abdullah. Heuristic Approaches for University Timetabling Problems, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK, June 2006.

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